This is Pick n Pay Pick n Pay at a glance The Group is a retail business in the fast-moving consumer goods industry Board and committees The Board takes overall responsibility for the performance of the Group … Corporate strategy The Group's long-term strategy seeks to build on the strategic advantages of the Group... Tribute to Raymond Ackerman Our country has lost a visionary entrepreneur, humanitarian and a great South African... Investor centre Reports, results and presentations Includes integrated reports, annual financial statements and related publications Share price Current share prices, historical statistics, interactive charts. Pick n Pay Rights Offer Rights Offer Circular for qualifying shareholders Boxer IPO Supporting documentation for shareholders Investor calendar and shareholder meetings Includes all relevant information in respect of key investor dates and shareholder meetings SENS Pick n Pay Stores LimitedPick n Pay Holdings Limited (prior to August 2016) Corporate information ESG ESG overview Overview of Group ESG targets, sustainable living strategy and sustainability highlights. Small business development Pick n Pay provides tools and training to small suppliers to assist them in becoming successful a... Sustainability reports and policies Includes ESG and Sustainable Living Reports; ESG policies and related assurance. Governance Overview of the Group’s approach to corporate governance and its governance framework and includes a... Media releases Contact us
Pick n Pay at a glance The Group is a retail business in the fast-moving consumer goods industry Board and committees The Board takes overall responsibility for the performance of the Group … Corporate strategy The Group's long-term strategy seeks to build on the strategic advantages of the Group... Tribute to Raymond Ackerman Our country has lost a visionary entrepreneur, humanitarian and a great South African...
Reports, results and presentations Includes integrated reports, annual financial statements and related publications Share price Current share prices, historical statistics, interactive charts. Pick n Pay Rights Offer Rights Offer Circular for qualifying shareholders Boxer IPO Supporting documentation for shareholders Investor calendar and shareholder meetings Includes all relevant information in respect of key investor dates and shareholder meetings SENS Pick n Pay Stores LimitedPick n Pay Holdings Limited (prior to August 2016) Corporate information
ESG overview Overview of Group ESG targets, sustainable living strategy and sustainability highlights. Small business development Pick n Pay provides tools and training to small suppliers to assist them in becoming successful a... Sustainability reports and policies Includes ESG and Sustainable Living Reports; ESG policies and related assurance. Governance Overview of the Group’s approach to corporate governance and its governance framework and includes a...